We value the privacy of everyone who visits our website. Protecting your private information is our top priority. By submitting your personal data, you are giving us permission to use it as stated in the policy.

We encourage you to carefully go through the privacy policy before you give any information.

What Does This Privacy Policy Cover?

This privacy policy will explain how we use your personal data and other information when you access our website. This policy does not apply to third party websites that we do not own example, Google, Facebook, Twitter etc. We cannot take responsibility for their privacy policy and practices.

Information We Collect

How We Collect Information From You?

We collect information you submit to us. For example, when you request product or service information from us, register for an account, when you reply to emails we send, register to participate in conferences or webinars we conduct, or when you respond to our customer surveys. We also,

How We Use The Information?

Sharing Information With Others

In the event of a reconstruction or liquidation, your personal information may be passed on to a successor in interest

Cookies Policy

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are nothing but small files that are stored in your computer that hold a meagre amount of data about the sites you visit. These files have information about the web page you visit, as well as any other information you’ve given such as name and interests.

Why Do We Use Cookies?

Cookies help us to know how you interact with our content and help us to improve your experience when you visit our site. Through cookies, we can know your language preference so that you needn’t change it for every visit. Also, from your activity on our website, we can target advertisements on third-party websites so that we can re-market our products/services to you.
In addition to this, there are the types of cookies you need to know about

Session Cookies

Session cookies are temporary and are used to remember you when you visit our site. They expire when the web browser is closed.

Persistent Cookies

Persistent cookies remain on your computer/mobile device even after you close the web browser or restart your computer. With this data, we come up with a visit pattern to improve the functionality of the site. These cookies are also used for targeted advertising.

First Party and Third Party Cookies

We use first-party as well as third-party cookies on our website.
First-party cookies mainly belong to the website you’re currently visiting. Third-party cookies are cookies that belong to other websites that are mainly used for outside advertising.

How To Reject And Delete Cookies?

Keep in mind that if cookies are disabled you might not take full advantage of a website you’re visiting and may impair your experience. You can reject and delete cookies by simply changing your browser settings.

Visit http://www.allaboutcookies.org/ to know more on how to reject or delete them

Social Media

Our website includes social media features like Facebook ‘like’ button and Twitter ‘share’ button. Your interactions with such type of features are governed either by the privacy policy or terms & conditions, of the company providing it.

Third-Party Links

Our website may contain links to third-party websites. If you click on those links, it will take you outside of our website. We have no control over the privacy policy or terms of those third-party websites. So we encourage you to read the privacy statements of every website you visit.

Data Retention

We may retain your personal information to provide the service you requested, to comply with legal/tax/accounting requirements or until it fulfills the purpose outlined in our privacy policy. When we have no business reasons to process your personal data, we will either delete it or securely store it and isolate it from further processing.

Choice/Opt-Out Rights

You have the following data protection rights.

Children’s Privacy

Protecting the privacy of children is important to us. We do not collect or solicit personal information from users under the age of 18.

If we come to know that we have gathered personal information about children without parental or guardian consent, we will take the necessary steps to immediately remove the data from our server.


PicsMaking ‘Contact us’ form is compliant with GDPR regulations. If you proceed further, we will consider that you have given your consent to receive requested information/data. We do not make any assumptions, we take all the actions based on the transparent affirmation by users who agree to be physically contacted.

Contact Us

We may modify or update the privacy policy anytime. So, we advise you to review this policy periodically. We welcome your views on our website and privacy policy. Please contact us for any queries/clarifications.